A03C Antispasmodics in combination with psycholeptics ของ ATC_รหัส_A03

A03CA Synthetic anticholinergic agents in combination with psycholeptics

A03CA01 Isopropamide and psycholepticsA03CA02 Clidinium and psycholepticsA03CA03 Oxyphencyclimine and psycholepticsA03CA04 Otilonium bromide and psycholepticsA03CA05 Glycopyrronium and psycholepticsA03CA06 Bevonium and psycholepticsA03CA07 Ambutonium and psycholepticsA03CA08 Diphemanil and psycholepticsA03CA30 Emepronium and psycholepticsA03CA34 Propantheline and psycholeptics

A03CB Belladonna and derivatives in combination with psycholeptics

A03CB01 Methylscopolamine and psycholepticsA03CB02 Belladonna total alkaloids and psycholepticsA03CB03 Atropine and psycholepticsA03CB04 Methylhomatropine and psycholepticsA03CB31 Hyoscyamine and psycholeptics

A03CC Other antispasmodics in combination with psycholeptics